Humour Break. Stop me if you’ve heard this one…

Joe Biden walks into a biker bar.  Immediately he’s got Jim’s ol’ lady sitting on his lap:

Reportedly Biden spent the rest of the day tugging on Superman’s cape, spitting into the wind, and pulling the mask off the old Lone Ranger.

That said, does this photo not cry for captions?  Have at ‘er.

(And Joe, if you ever need your lap warmed by another biker chick: Call me!)


3 Responses to “Humour Break. Stop me if you’ve heard this one…”

  1. 1 Florence Monday, May 8, 2017 at 7:08 pm

    0  1Warum wurde das Video ger?tkz¼ÃUnd nicht die Szene gezeigt, wo die Putzfrau die Situation ausgenutzt hat(Würg!) Ps.: Ich habe dann das Mädel nach Hause gebracht ancing: unk:

Wait. What?

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