Posts Tagged 'jon stewart'

Batshit in America: Dirty Sanchez Edition

Well, someone had to say it and I had to do something to get the traffic back up 😐  Hoho, haha.

Seriously though — I always thought Rick Sanchez was sort of a reasonable guy  for a rightie (although to be honest, I hardly ever watch CNN or Sanchez’s show, or ex-show, whatever the case may be).  Why would he say such things?

Yikes, that whole “the Jews run the World” thing, isn’t it getting a little old??

What’s most amazing is that the whole rant was precipitated by remarks about Jon Stewart of all people, an Equal Opportunity fun-poker who  skewers ev-er-y-one, including Olbermann.   It’ll be interesting to see what Stewart does with this on Monday — no doubt something to reinforce the conventional wisdom that it’s usually a bad idea to take bigoted shots at a comedian who has his own very popular TV show.  Meanwhile, Sanchez may be found on a street corner somewhere, screaming about Da Jooos and the Illuminati from atop a new podium…

Jon Stewart is America’s most trusted newscaster

At least according to a TIME poll:


Stewart won by a landslide in what I thought were some pretty unexpected places:  59% in South Dakota and 61% in Arkansas.

Good grief, what does it say about the state of newscasting that the most trusted newscaster is a comedian!?  (Having said that, I voted for him too.)

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