Posts Tagged 'Obama’s school speech'

The Hypocrisy

… it burrrrrrns almost as badly as The Stupid.

In 1988, Ronald Reagan pushed his anti-government, low-tax ideology in a speech broadcast to classrooms nationwide, adding that he had supported “Negro” educational institutions.

Oh but that’s okay, because uh, well, um, err…oh!  Look over there! It’s Halley’s Comet!

Watch video of “The Great Indoctrinator” here.


From The Mudflats, a parody of the dumbass who was crying about her kids having to listen to Obama’s SocialistNaziCommunistRastafarianFascist Indoctrination Speech:

(h/t brebis noire in the comments)

Sadly, not so unbelievable

Florida GOP Chair Jim Greer, who’s completely and utterly beclowned himself by doing some of the first and freakiest of the  hysterical, spittle-flecked, batshit berserk fearmongering about Pres.Obama’s FascistNaziJihadistSocialist Indoctrination Speech©®™ to schoolchildren, has read the speech and changed his tune:

It’s a good speech,” Florida GOP chairman Jim Greer said Monday.  “It encourages kids to stay in school and the importance of education and I think that’s what a president should do when they’re gonna talk to students across the country.”  […]

And you knew it was coming — the insipid, cowardly, cover-your-ass “But”:

“This was clearly moving in a direction that would have not been satisfactory to me as a parent, and I know many other parents across this country.  The White House has changed, the Department of Education took it all out, but when they submitted it, when they sent it out, when they created those lesson plans – the objections from me, the statement from me, and the objections from many other parents was warranted and they should’ve thought about it more carefully before they tried it.”

Right, it wasn’t the speech, the contents of which were a complete mystery to these shrieking nitwits, it was the Nazi Lesson Plan, with those deadly instructions to “write a letter about how you can help the President” (which really means “Rise up tonight, my young Obots, and stab your dumbass Republican parents to death with Bic pens!”)

Of course, Greer neglected to explain why it was okay for Bush 41 to ask kids to write letters about how they could help him.

(h/t Frank Frink in the comments)

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