Posts Tagged 'Fire Karen Handel'

The Personal gets Political

Nearly two dozen US Senators have signed onto a letter urging the Susan G Komen Foundation to reverse its despicable and sleazy Planned Parenthood decision:

The pressure on the Susan G. Komen For The Cure Foundation to reverse its decision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood for breast cancer screenings for poor people — a decision which has caused an uproar among women’s groups and on social media — is about to get significantly more intense. Nearly two dozen Senators are set to enter the fray.

I’m told that 22 Dem Senators have signed on to a toughly worded letter urging Komen to reverse its decision, which Komen has justified by citing a new rule prohibiting it from funding any group under investigation by the government. (This has conferred legitimacy and signficance on the probe into Planned Parenthood that has been launched by anti-abortion GOP Rep. Cliff Stearns of Florida.)

Komen started this by besmirching the breast cancer issue with the foul, anti-choice ideology of a few who’ve infested their top policy-making ranks.  Now they’ve got a public relations nightmare on their hands that won’t end until they reverse the Planned Parenthood decision and clean house of those who initiated it.

Newsflash, fetus fetishists: cancer doesn’t give a shit if you’re “pro-life”.

UPDATE:  Yeah, and this:

(tweet from silvermaneman)

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