Pssst — wanna buy a used kidney??


Mint condition 1954 kidney for sale! This curvy little classic is a daily driver, but it’s been lovingly-maintained and well-preserved, with all-original cosmetics — no rust, scratches or stones. All maintenance records have been kept meticulously, and since the day it rolled out of the factory it’s been stored in a warm, weatherproof facility. Whattadeal!

But that’s how MP Rod Bruinooge views a perfectly legal medical procedure:

Most Canadians would agree that you should not be able to remove your kidney and sell it on eBay to the highest bidder. Although it’s your body and your kidney, this would not only be a poor bioethical choice, but it is in fact illegal under our laws.

Most Canadians would also agree that an unborn child in the ninth month of gestation, moments away from delivery, should not be eligible for an elective abortion. However, regardless of the fact that this would be an extremely poor bioethical choice, it is in fact legal. As such, Canada has far greater protections for human kidneys than we do for human fetuses.

And he’s even dumb enough to want to debate this offside analogy??:

“Your kidneys have more protection than an unborn child until the moment it is out of the woman,” Mr. Bruinooge said. “I challenge anyone to debate me on that point, because I don’t think you can.

NO. Wait, make that NO!. Canada does not have “greater protections for human kidneys than we do for human fetuses”. Unless something’s changed in the last 5 minutes, we can’t sell fetuses on EBay either. (But I bet there’d be takers if we could… ewwww… and I bet I know who… SHRIEEEEK!) As for the “abortion-moments-before-delivery” meme — PLEASE! Stop fucking lying.

One of the “secrets” about the “secretive” pro-life caucus has to be how they managed to con not just one but two of our national dailies into publishing tripe of such brain-damaged magnitude.

UPDATE: The Divine Ms.Z comments.

UPDATE II: More kidney kibitzery at Dammit.

32 Responses to “<i>Pssst — wanna buy a used kidney??</i>”

  1. 1 fern hill Monday, December 29, 2008 at 4:48 pm

    Pop over to our place. Stevie has, in the immortal words of the Ottawa Citizen, ‘stiff-armed’ the notion.

    Also, deBeauxOs sings of kidneys too. 🙂

  2. 2 bcwaterboy Monday, December 29, 2008 at 4:59 pm

    No mention of the breast cancer link yet? This one’s on display on a billboard just outside Kelowna with the headline
    “Why wasn’t I told?”

  3. 3 JJ Monday, December 29, 2008 at 5:03 pm

    fern hill – Oh really?? 😆 I’ll be right over.

  4. 4 JJ Monday, December 29, 2008 at 5:04 pm

    waterboy – Oh, that’ll be coming. That, and depression, mental illness, drug addiction, domestic abuse and, uh, oh I don’t know… nose-picking while driving?

  5. 5 deBeauxOs Monday, December 29, 2008 at 5:18 pm

    Dammit jj, this is becoming an embarassment. People will think we share an organ or something.

  6. 6 Beijing York Monday, December 29, 2008 at 5:41 pm

    Given a recession/depression ahead, I don’t see why I shouldn’t sell my kidney 🙂 Although mine does have a few dents in it 🙂

    Seriously, why does he keep repeating the analogy? I heard him locally, on radio, going on about the kidney comparison. I’d rather compare it to an appendix. If it does no harm, keep it but if it does, get rid of it at the earliest possible time.

    He should also brush up on his understanding of what you can and cannot sell. People have tried to sell fetuses to the highest bidder through the internet to the highest bidder and were arrested. That would suggest that a fetus is as valuable as a kidney.

  7. 7 JJ Monday, December 29, 2008 at 6:05 pm

    Beijing – I personally think I should be able to sell my kidney if I want (and can do it in a medically safe way of course). I wouldn’t want to , but I should be able to. It’s mine, why not. (Of course, then you might get a lot of really poor people doing this out of desperation, which might create a whole host of other problems.)

    But anyway. He keeps repeating the analogy because, well, he’s not too bright. He probably got it from some other fetus fetishist and thought it sounded good. Unfortunately, it only works if you don’t apply any critical thought.

    “People have tried to sell fetuses to the highest bidder through the internet to the highest bidder and were arrested. That would suggest that a fetus is as valuable as a kidney.”

    There’s that “critical thought” thing 😉 That’s a no-no if you want this analogy to make any sense.

  8. 8 deBeauxOs Monday, December 29, 2008 at 6:27 pm

    Critical thought?

    Say, do you remember some other batshit crazy rightwingnutter analogies developed around C-484? Didn’t that religulous fundamentalist zygote zealot John Pacheco compare the loss of a fetus during a criminal assault on a pregnant woman to the theft of a large-screen TV? And then of course, Blob Blogging Wingnut embellished the whole thing with her particular spin, comparing a fetus in uterus to a parrot in a cage?

  9. 9 JJ Monday, December 29, 2008 at 7:00 pm

    Hahahahaha! That was SUZANNE who used the TV set analogy, I think. A Parrot in a Cage! 😆 Oh fuck! 😆 I’d forgotten all about that one. “He’s not pinin’. He’s passed on. He’s ceased to be. He’s expired and gone to meet his maker.”

    Pacheco had much darker, uglier visions. Ugh, I’d hate to see inside that guy’s mind.

  10. 10 Reality Bites Monday, December 29, 2008 at 7:11 pm

    Who knew Harper had a body part that can get stiff? I thought it all went into his personality.

  11. 11 JJ Monday, December 29, 2008 at 7:21 pm

    😆 You are on a roll today! I was over at BCL’s and read that post about Bruinooge’s wife having a baby, and your comment just about made me choke on my Pepsi. “Do we know who the father is?” 😆

  12. 12 Reality Bites Monday, December 29, 2008 at 7:53 pm

    Speaking of babies, Palin’s daughter has had hers, and yet somehow remains strangely unmarried.

    I thought that in their crowd it was all made OK by getting married, but you’re really supposed to do it before the birth if possible.

  13. 13 fern hill Monday, December 29, 2008 at 8:06 pm

    And the baybee’s name is Tripp, to go with Trig, Trag and Trog, his uncles. Man, these people are mean to their children.

  14. 14 Niles Monday, December 29, 2008 at 8:24 pm

    Colour me jaundiced, but I think PMS Harper let the right honourable B. out like underwear on a flagpole to see who’d salute, especially when this is a replay of weeks old news. (Unless this is somehow a clever ruse on the part of the national papers to bring national attention to the buried announcement)

    And then he eventually, manfully tut-tuts any talk of any such revisitation. Like he did of the deficit, income trusts, fixed election dates…

    And his fellow travellers in California said they’d not go after the already married couples’ legal status while putting up the nice big Prop8 concern troll campaign.

    But Bru(tus)nooige is an honourable man and will not be punished for his rightful passion in casting down the tyranny of the pro-abortion forces.

  15. 15 JJ Monday, December 29, 2008 at 8:44 pm

    RB – “Speaking of babies, Palin’s daughter has had hers, and yet somehow remains strangely unmarried.”

    Did they announce the name of the REAL FATHER? 😆

  16. 16 JJ Monday, December 29, 2008 at 8:46 pm

    fern hill – Tripp?? They called him TRIPP??? HAHAHAHAHA! Remember “Captain Trips”? 😆 I love it!!!!

  17. 17 JJ Monday, December 29, 2008 at 8:55 pm

    Niles – “But Bru(tus)nooige is an honourable man and will not be punished for his rightful passion in casting down the tyranny of the pro-abortion forces.”

    You guys are really hot tonight! 😆 Snappy one-liners galore, waxing poetic and philosophical… I am impressed! Best commenters ever!!!

    Now. You really think Broony won’t get spanked? (Cuz we WANT him to!) It’s possible he was just Following Orders, and Harper was testing the waters… although I really can’t see Harper wanting to go anywhere near this one, it’s such a loser of an issue.

    Could be that it was just done to poke a stick at the collective social conservative Lizard Brain, get it twitching and spazzing a bit. Just to bring it out of hibernation a bit.

  18. 18 Reality Bites Monday, December 29, 2008 at 9:18 pm

    I don’t buy that theory, Niles. As JJ says, it’s such a loser.

    There’s only downside for Harper in “opening the debate” for real, and he has no need to guage public opinion in such a ham-fisted manner.

    What I do find interesting, since you mentioned Prop 8, is that marriage goes virtually unmentioned since the last vote, even by the ultra-right in the party.

    You know even if I suspected Harper wanted to restrict abortion – and I don’t – this isn’t how he’d do it. He’d introduce it at the start of a majority mandate.

  19. 19 Bruce Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 4:25 am

    Ha Ha, I love it when the computer abbreviates things, when I click the window menu the title for this page says:
    Pssst – wanna buy a…repentant old hippie

  20. 20 JJ Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 7:18 am

    Everyone has their price 😛

  21. 21 karol Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 7:32 am

    Let us keep proper perspective here; abortion is not an issue that affects Conservatives supporters as much as it does Liberal supporters. If we are talking about war of attrition thru abortions Liberals must be loosing at least five times as many potential Liberal supporters as Conservatives do.

    I can you imagine your outrage if Harper were to say publicly that Conservatives are not interested in opening abortion debate because current state of affairs gives Conservative Party of Canada huge electoral advantage.

    I can you imagine what you would say if Harper would state as a matter of fact that Conservatives were elected to govern Canada thanks to SCC Morgentaler decision made 20 years ago as majority of potential Liberal voters got aborted while majority of potential Conservative voters got spared.

    I can imagine you going ballistic if Harper were to say that since 2006, the year when this Conservative biased generation reached voting age he can count on Conservative votes growing and Liberal votes shrinking by about 100000 potential votes.

    There would be no end of you comparing Harper to Hitler.
    There would be no end of your accusations that Conservatives are condoning and promoting genocide of their political opponents.

  22. 22 JJ Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 7:56 am

    Sorry Karol, you’ve got the wrong person. I don’t do “ballistic”, and I don’t even do “outrage” very well. I have never compared Harper to Hitler and I’ve never accused the Conservatives of “promoting genocide”. So you’re 0 for 4 there, not a very good score.

    “I can imagine… I can imagine…” Yes, I’m sure you can, although your “imaginings” would probably be more appropriately referred to as “delusions”.

    Call your doctor, you need to increase the dosage.

  23. 23 Reality Bites Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 8:29 am

    It would be ridiculous to compare Harper to Hitler. Hitler was able to get more than 40% of the votes.

  24. 24 JJ Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 8:31 am

    HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, sharp again today, I see. 😆

  25. 25 JJ Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 9:05 am

    Enjoy spam purgatory, karol.

  26. 26 Mike Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 11:15 am

    Wow, karol thinks being a “liberal” or a “conservative” is something you are born with and does not change?

    What a retard.

    FWIW, I do not agree with this (nor do I even think most Canadians do:

    Most Canadians would agree that you should not be able to remove your kidney and sell it on eBay to the highest bidder. Although it’s your body and your kidney, this would not only be a poor bioethical choice, but it is in fact illegal under our laws.

    Mr. Bruinooge does not seem to understand freedom and liberty. Freedom and liberty means letting people do things that while they harm no one, you would not agree with.

    No surprise. He has to lie to get support and be a member of a secretive, probably made up caucus. Bruinooge and his ilk are not into freedom and liberty – they are authoritarians through and through. Fascists even.

    And as far as I am concerned they deserve the same fate as the fascist that preceded them.

  27. 27 JJ Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 12:00 pm

    Mike – “Bruinooge and his ilk are not into freedom and liberty – they are authoritarians through and through. Fascists even.”

    Hear hear! Your clarity is needed on Raphael’s thread. Maybe you can explain why we don’t need a LAW dictating every little move we make. Some of them seem to get it, but some of them… ARRRGGGHHHH!!!

  28. 28 Mike Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 1:40 pm

    My clarity has been added JJ!

  29. 29 JJ Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    I just read it! Outstanding! Thanks, Mike!

  30. 30 Hendry Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at 5:55 am

    Im indonesian 30 years old man. I wanna sell my kidney for safe other life if someone needed. If you have interesting you can contact my email address directly for any question or for price negoitation.

  1. 1 Finding the Pro-Life Caucus on Parliament Hill | Religious Right Alert Trackback on Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at 4:42 am

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