Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Remembrance and change

Longtime readers will forgive me, I hope, for re-using an image I created last year in remembrance of the Ecole Polytechnique massacre.  But when I read things like the first comment with this article, recycled artwork seems appropriately symbolic of how much things have changed, even in 20 years.

UPDATE: Worth reading.

(h/t emily in the comments)

Hope & change in Right Blogistan

A recalcitrant right-wing apostate jumps off the Crazy Train and lives to talk about it.



Nothing, just Technorati bullshit

Palin’s mad foreign policy skillz

SaWah on the Furrin Policy there.  Also.:

Iraq, Iran, Bush Doctrine, whatever.  I love how Hannity doesn’t even miss a beat, just ignores her rather glaring errors and moves right along, slick as snot.

I think it’s odd that she’s even being asked for her opinions about foreign policy when she’s on a book-signing tour.

It’s Their Party

…and they’ll cry if they want to.   Or maybe because they have to.



Just some funny “shit” happening out there on the Internets tonight…

Who says cWilliamDonohue01-sonservatives are satire-challenged? The Catholic League flogs Bill Donohue’s new book, “Secular Saboutage”, reviewed by famous conservatives like Donald Wildmon, Laura Ingraham, Michael Medved, and… Stephen Colbert.

Still with the Catholic League, Bill Donohue announces the official start of this year’s War On Christmas.  Cultural Fascists, start your religious speech censorship engines.

Doug Hoffman, down but not out: Hoffman, the teabagger candidate in NY-23 whose claim to fame is handing a century-old GOP safe seat to hoffmanthe Democrats, will be giving a speech at a GOP dinner in a few weeks, so his 15 minutes aren’t up.  Who knows, this creepy little geek with the cheap suit, the $5 praise-the-lord haircut and the eyes of a child molester might just be the template on which all future GOP candidates are modeled.   (Fingers crossed.)

Math is hard, Teabagger Barbie: After their anti-health care rally at Capitol Hill today, teabaggers are once again playing fast and loose with crowd estimates.   Maybe the fetus fetishist teabaggers are counting their eggs and sperms?

And last but not least, the worst alibi of the week: “I wasn’t exposing myself, I had Explosive Diarrhea.   explosive-diarrhea

Bang!  That’s it.  Hasta la vista.

Maddow on Healthcare & Lieberman

Predictably, Senator Joe Lieberman (Ind-AETNA) indicated yesterday that he might block the health care reform bill with the GOP.

Just observing this debate from a safe distance is giving me a migraine… good thing I’ve got Universal Health Care.

Teabaggers hurting the GOP

What–!?  Nooooo, really??  Say it ain’t so, Olby!

And to think the Teabaggers think their movement is popular enough that they’re considering starting their own party to “take back their country”.

Palin linked in


It’s hard out there for a Quitbull.

The employment situation must be looking a little grim for Sarah Palin — she’s joined thousands of other online job seekers on “LinkedIn”:

Sarah Palin has posted her resume on LinkedIn, asking for “job inquiries.”

On the site Monday morning, she lists five jobs and one degree, from the University of Idaho. There are also 500+ connections and a hopeful note: she’s also interested in “getting back in touch.”

Yes, really.

Sarah Palin hits the online job market - thestar.com_1256018533760

And why not?  Her book’s already in the price war bargain bin and her chances of landing a future leadership role with the GOP appear to be slim to none.  Maybe she can get a job as The Teabagger Queen.  Also.

How happy is the world that Georgie is gone?

This happy.

Never mind that — Canada dropped from 4th place to 7th.  Hmm.


Things might be slow PP0179_flu_virus_tharound here for a day or two…  I was feeling a little weird yesterday and today it looks like some vile pest of a flu bug has launched a full-scale two-pronged attack on my gut and brain.

At this time of year it’s an occupational hazard.  The kids go back to school, they all get sick, they give it to their parents, their parents come into the store to buy Cold & Flu Crap™ and they cough the whole time,  each cough unleashing a flurry of airbourne contaminants that are rapidly propelled  throughout the entire building via the heating system.  C’est la vie.

In other news, I lit my first fire of the winter today, an event I usually hold off until October 1st.  It bugged me because I knew I wasn’t really cold, just sick.

That’s it (for now).

Dig deep

CC’s cycling club is doing a charity ride this coming weekend and the challenge is for us the readers to help him raise as much money as humanly possible for their cause, Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region.

This is a great cause and these people are busting their asses riding 160km to make it happen, so let’s help him out.

Liar liar


That’s the sound of “You lie!” yeller Joe Wilson’s PANTS going up in a 3-alarm blaze…

UPDATE: Already Olbermann’s Worst Person in the World.  Tsk tsk.

(h/t JAB in the comments)

Mark you’re calendars

050207_punctuateSeptember 24 is “National Punctuation Day“.

Unfortunately we don’t have this special day in Canada, it’s just in the States.  But I think we need one because, tragically, the NPD website uses our own Rogers Communication as an example of the mayhem that ensues when good punctuation goes bad.

It could be the most costly piece of punctuation in Canada.

A grammatical blunder may force Rogers Communications Inc. to pay an extra $2.13-million to use utility poles in the Maritimes after the placement of a comma in a contract permitted the deal’s cancellation.

This sounds like as good an election issue as any.  Call your MP and demand that we join the battle against the Scourge of Bad Punctuation; “now”!!!

Now is the time when we juxtapose

The National Mall in Washington DC on two different occasions:


Okay, that was obviously intended to be a joke because the picture from the teabaggers parade was taken from a different angle, a greater distance, before everyone arrived… or…  um err uh… No, really.

But speaking of interesting juxtapositions, here’s another one:  the teabaggers weren’t the only ones out rallying in that area on Saturday.  A rally called the Black Family Reunion Celebration, which apparently occupied a sizeable portion of the mall, was happening at the same time.

Now that’s juxtapositude.

(photo, no surprise, via dkos)

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