More about that teapot tempest

Further to the input received by TVO/The Agenda with regard to theirteapot-tempest February 12th discussion panel on Atheism, moderator Steve Paikin had more to say on Friday at his blog.

Paikin’s got a point.  However, though nobody has the right to censor anyone (and certainly not under threat of “consequences” to TVO), it’s easy to see why so many people would question TVO’s judgement in that case.   To get an idea of the calibre of discussion people were concerned about, have a look at some of the moronic comments with the TVO post.  (Bet you didn’t know Obama’s policies are straight out of the Communist-freaking-Manifesto.)

But far from gaining any undeserved intellectual gravitas or even relevance, idiots generally reveal themselves as such in the context of an intelligent discussion, and this time was no different.   Sunshine, disinfectant, etc. — it works.   So, more of this, please:

11 Responses to “More about that teapot tempest”

  1. 1 Dr. Prole Monday, February 23, 2009 at 8:40 am

    Shaidle sounds just as whiny as I imagined.

    I’m going to stop now, because I have some nasty things to say about her outfit too but that might be a little bit sexist. 😉

  2. 2 JJ Monday, February 23, 2009 at 8:59 am

    Dr. Prole – Go for it!!! You don’t have to worry too much about political correctness around here 😛

  3. 3 Cornelius T.Zen Monday, February 23, 2009 at 9:13 am

    Good morrow, all!
    Ms. Shaidle appears to be saying that atheists have killed millions of religious people. *AHEM!*
    Re; the video: Stalin and Hitler set themselves up as their respective people’s gods, and killed anybody who did not worship them. It was a form of religious worship, as devout and fanatical as anything experienced by Christians, Muslims or Jews.
    History: The Crusades, ordered by an ongoing succession of Popes, which resulted in the slaughter of Muslims, Jews and Orthodox Christians. Deus Lo Volt! The Inquisition, carried out in reaction to the Reformation, which enacted the torture and execution of hundreds of thousands of heretics (ie, Lutherans, Jews, gypsies, and anybody who missed put something in the plate on Sunday, I’m talking to YOU, heretic!) The Holocaust, which required nothing more than the compliance of Christians with the maniacal rantings of black-shirted Nazis.
    Father, forgive them, even though they know what they’re doing.

  4. 4 Cornelius T.Zen Monday, February 23, 2009 at 9:24 am

    Good morrow, all!
    Afterthoughts, if you will:
    Headlines you will probably never see:
    Atheists burn down church in Selma, AL
    Atheist suicide bombers kill dozens in crowded squares in Iraq
    Atheists carry out public beheadings in Afghanistan
    Atheists shoot abortion doctors and bomb clinics
    Atheists entreat soldiers: Kill the enemy for nobody!
    Atheists launch rockets into peaceful neighborhoods in bordering countries.
    Atheists order the death of dissenting authors who insist that “There Is A God”
    Mother of Heaven, those atheists are all violent fanatics, we gotta do something about those violent, fanatical atheists!
    Think about it (all you Christians, we can arrange to have somebody explain it to you) CTZen

  5. 5 Geekwad Monday, February 23, 2009 at 10:33 am

    Atheists spot Dawkins on underpass wall
    Atheists prevent distribution of free condoms in Africa
    Atheists NEED YOUR MONEY to help spread the good word
    Father (atheist) defends honour killing of daughter
    100 million dollar Crystal Temple of Atheism opens this May
    “No Christian will be leader of my country” vows Atheist political leaders

  6. 6 Mike Monday, February 23, 2009 at 10:34 am


    You’ll notice the fine minds like Richard Evans and Blazingcatfur have infected that comment thread and entirely miss the point – why Shaidle was choosen to represent the “No” side in the Atheist Bus campaign in the first place. Seems like a pretty poor vetting choice.

    But of course, the idiots want to fulfill their persecution complex and attack Warren Kinsella, so now that’s what its about.

  7. 7 JJ Monday, February 23, 2009 at 10:59 am

    Good morrow Cornelius!

    I don’t know if you saw the whole show, but that clip I posted was actually one of her better moments. It was all downhill from there, if you can believe it.

    I was surprised she’d make an argument that dumb — that Stalin killed “in the name” of atheism. It’s just more of the same stupid assertion that atheism is itself a religion, which it’s obviously not. The problem with hardcore theists is they’re so deity-centric that lack of religion leaves an intolerable vacuum in their minds — they can’t imagine anyone doing anything culturally significant unless it’s “in the name” of some religion or other.

    As you point out, much has been done in the name of various religions, but not atheism.

  8. 8 JJ Monday, February 23, 2009 at 11:37 am

    Mike –

    You’ll notice the fine minds like Richard Evans and Blazingcatfur have infected that comment thread and entirely miss the point

    Jesus, what maroons. I felt embarrassed for them just reading through their comments.

    Paikin himself deflected the issue somewhat to WK, and to some extent I can’t say I disagree with some of the points he makes. Everyone has not only the right, but the obligation to inform their public broadcasters of how they feel about what they’re doing. Accordingly, most of the people who wrote and complained were just venting their dissatisfaction, but Paikin seems to feel that WK went beyond that. Maybe, maybe not. Just because he works with Ig doesn’t mean he has no right to an opinion. OTOH, it could easily look like a personal vendetta, which is wrong.

    Anyway, you are right — the point is still why did they make such a bad choice, and the answer is probably just lack of vetting.

  9. 9 JJ Monday, February 23, 2009 at 11:39 am

    Geekwad –

    Atheists NEED YOUR MONEY to help spread the good word

    We might be smart to try getting in on a piece of that action 😛

  10. 10 Frank Frink Monday, February 23, 2009 at 12:57 pm

    If anyone, particularly those of us outside Ontario who could not watch live, does wish to view the entire episode (roughly 55min.) TVO has it up on their website. Direct link here.

  11. 11 JJ Monday, February 23, 2009 at 2:29 pm

    FF – Mucho gracias. I was looking for that on youtube and couldn’t find it.

Wait. What?

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