MASS(ive) Uprising! Or not!

It’s common knowledge that extremist antichoicers — the kind that favour egg-person laws — are cataclysmiscally clueless and brutally slow on the uptake.  This grim reality is more than conventional wisdom: it’s almost a peer-reviewed science, re-proven week in and week out.  This week’s been no different from any other, so once more for the road!

Ultimate Goal of Motion M312

This was The Week That The Worm Turned like never before, as fetus fetishists who’ve been relentlessly flogging the doomed Motion 312 (aka “Woodworth’s Wank”, aka the “Men Who Stare At Zygotes” Motion) got whacked upside the head with a king-size cluebat, and finally realized something the rest of us have known for months: Motion 312 is DOA.

What’s long been screamingly obvious to the rest of us clearly shocked fetus fetishists who were slobbering giddily over the vague possibility that, with a good deal of sophistry, Motion 312 would clear the way to fetal “personhood”.  And never mind that there are much easier ways to resolve this semantic issue without involving *The Fetus©®™ or threatening womens’ autonomy. Antichoicers have proven time and again that their most profound skill is the art of ignoring solutions that don’t give us all a One-Way Ticket to the Republic of Gilead.

But they blew it, like they always do.  While “personhood” for fertilized eggs is a popular item in delusional Christofascist circles, to most Canadians — 94% of us, to be exact — the notion is so repugnant that any legal manoeuvreing in that direction has to be done in secrecy and pulled over on the General Public while they’re busy having non-procreative sex or getting illegitimately raped.  And just try getting a fetus fetishist gripped in the throes of a twitching, trembling, eye-popping, Jesus-driven fetus fetishizing frenzy to keep quiet about something like Motion 312. Right from the start they were jabbering like gerbils on crack, contradicting Woodworth, each other and even themselves. The Motion’s true intention might as well have been broadcast in a flashy 30-second spot during the Superbowl:  PERSONHOOD! PERSONHOOD! PERSONHOOD! 

Most motions come and go without notice, but when the General Public inevitably got wind of Motion 312 it was properly appalled; if you doubt it, scan the comments at any online article on the topic.  The coup de grâce was served up last month when the CMA declared their opposition to the Motion.  This came as no surprise to Prochoicers who are well aware of the CMA’s long and proud support for Freedom of Choice, but the unconditional lab-coated bitch slap was a rude shock to the fetus fetishists.  Suddenly it looked like their dreams of installing a tiny little police officer in every womb were about to be dashed upon the rocks of reason and privacy rights.

 It was time to go DefCon1, so this week the motion’s supporters announced “Motion 312’s Last Stand”, and a top secret strategy — TBA September 7th — that would incite a “MASS uprising” of support for Motion 312 (no really, that’s the wording they used).  Yesterday came and went and the Big Reveal was predictably anticlimactic: doubling down in a frenzy of pious feeblemindedness, prayer, unintelligible muttering and shrieking phone calls to Stephen Harper and incoherent messages scrawled in chalk like the ransom notes of deranged kidnappers.   In other words, “M.A.S.S.” = More of the Approximately Same Shit?
That said, the LYING is escalating to previously unimaginable levels.  The “abortion 3 days before the due date” meme is getting a strenuous workout: anyone who ever wondered how antichoicers regard women and the medical profession need look no further than remarks of that contemptuous ilk.

I can just imagine the sighs of relief from politicians of all stripes when Motion 312 is finally aborted.  I can also imagine the sly, stupid smirks on antichoice faces dissolving into shock and horror when they realize that the absolutist position promoted by Motion 312 was the worst possible route to take, and that in their “last stand” they’re staring down the barrel of a CRUSHING BLOW” to their cause.  Not that this means we let up on defending our rights even an inch …

 *With thanks to deBeauxOs 😉

4 Responses to “<b>MASS(ive)</b> Uprising! Or not!”

  1. 1 Bene D Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 7:48 pm

    The website was registered by Strider Inc. which also has a branch in the US. (Well, an address in the US)
    They do web design, perhaps they did the pass site; their blog says they are Toronto based – the registrant address is Woodbridge.
    The Strider Inc. phone # is out of Toronto.

    The CSS header is smiley white people.
    Perhaps the makers of the website think smiley white people represent the 4 million Canadian evangelicals they assume are a monolithic block of like minded white folk?
    They left out the Catholics.:^)

  2. 2 kayveee1000 Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 2:46 pm

    LoL:) I keep picturing Woody’s face in the womb 🙂 Maybe Woody has a ‘problem’ getting a real ‘Woody’, hence his fascination with women’s wombs. Totally agree – the lying rhetoric is hitting proportions that are out of the ball park… I can only imagine the feverous untruths that will be proclaimed as we tick tock closer to *Z’s are people day*.

    No matter what though, Stephen Harper allowed this to happen and I believe he has enjoyed this pitting of the Antis vs. Pro/v.v. – for which, imo is representative of his agenda in Canada, no matter what policy, motion or law is involved, which is a reflection of his contempt of Canadians and Canada.

  3. 3 kayveee1000 Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 2:48 pm

    Ps.. Excellent Article!

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