Old enough to bleed

Is there no end to the rotten, shit-eating scum?  I can’t believe I’m reading yet another story about fetus-worshipping vermin of the “Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed” school — another nauseating tale of Catholic Fetus Cultists celebrating a 10-year-old child-mother:

Despite protests and pressure from feminists and pro-abortion groups, an 11-year-old girl in the Mexican city of Chetumal has refused to undergo an abortion.  The young girl explained her decision saying that she understands, “a life is growing in her womb.”

It’s weird that the Catholic News Agency says the little girl is eleven(11), when all other news sources report that she is in fact ten(10) (like 11 makes it okay).  But wait: it’s probably because that’s how old she’ll be by the time her pregnancy comes to term, which as we all know is the only thing that really matters.

CNN gives us a little more information:

A pregnant 10-year-old, allegedly raped by her stepfather, has become the latest lightning rod in the country’s heated abortion debate.  […]

Child protective services officials in Quintana Roo said in a statement last week that the girl and the fetus were in good health.

But Quintana Roo state legislator Maria Hadad said the girl’s doctors aren’t telling the whole story. She said continuing the pregnancy could cause severe mental and physical health problems for the girl.

“It’s not just a high-risk pregnancy. It’s a pregnancy that puts the girl at risk,” Hadad told Mexican broadcaster Channel 10 in Chetumal, Mexico.

Wow:  it’s hard not to notice the contrast in the way the story was reported by these two sources.  The CNA neglects to say Word One about the rape, or how  the girl wasn’t informed of her abortion rights, or the potential danger the pregnancy poses to her, or what’s being done to help her cope with the trauma of both rape and coerced childbirth.

I think that’s all we need to know about these people.

20 Responses to “Old enough to bleed”

  1. 1 hemmingforddogblog Friday, April 23, 2010 at 1:04 am

    Some idiot over at SUZY all-caps says even a TWO YEAR OLD

  2. 2 hemmingforddogblog Friday, April 23, 2010 at 1:05 am

    understands that it is a BABEE!!! I think these people are delusional…

    I don’t know why this is two parts…it’s too early to figure it out.

  3. 3 Jennifer Smith Friday, April 23, 2010 at 5:46 am

    And of course these are exactly the same people who are insisting that their 10 or 11 year old babies are FAR too young to be subjected to any sort of medically accurate sex education.

  4. 4 brebis noire Friday, April 23, 2010 at 7:21 am

    Oh, god, what a sad story. Sadder still that anti-aborts are milking it. I can’t help thinking that if this tragic pregnancy ends in nearly inevitable injury to the poor girl’s body and future reproductive capacity, one or two things will result: crickets from the pro-Lie site, and perhaps a quiet realisation (among some of them) that pregnancy in 10-yr-old girls really is a risky and dangerous affair.

    And if she manages to pull through it safely (which I doubt: at best, she is facing chronic and long-term sequelae that I suspect have not been properly explained to her or her family), they will crow about it.

    Oh well, at least it’s not twins….

  5. 5 apophaticattic Friday, April 23, 2010 at 8:52 am

    I am not seeing any reference to “pressure” from “feminists” in any of the mainstream stories either. It appears the girl lives in a state that has passed a constitutional amendment protecting life “from conception” and is in custody of child services in that state. This makes it highly unlikely she was even informed of the possibility of abortion let alone “pressured by pro-abortion groups”.

    So, go Catholics! A few pertinent omissions, a few made up facts and you’ve got a new heroine for your twisted “make kids have kids so we can rape those ones too!” culture.

  6. 6 JJ Friday, April 23, 2010 at 9:58 am


    Some idiot over at SUZY all-caps says even a TWO YEAR OLD

    😯 You can’t be serious 😯

  7. 7 JJ Friday, April 23, 2010 at 10:06 am


    these are exactly the same people who are insisting that their 10 or 11 year old babies are FAR too young to be subjected to any sort of medically accurate sex education.

    Mindblowing, isn’t it. Especially coming from Catholic schools on the taxpayer teat.

  8. 8 JJ Friday, April 23, 2010 at 10:10 am


    perhaps a quiet realisation (among some of them) that pregnancy in 10-yr-old girls really is a risky and dangerous affair.

    If these ignorant, ass-backwards religious hillbillies can’t figure that out without a few little girls being irreparably damaged, they shouldn’t even be allowed near kids.

  9. 9 JJ Friday, April 23, 2010 at 10:14 am


    I am not seeing any reference to “pressure” from “feminists” in any of the mainstream stories either.

    This is exactly why a “coerced abortion” law can never be passed — even the mere mention of abortion is considered pressure/coercion by these people.

    So, go Catholics! A few pertinent omissions, a few made up facts and you’ve got a new heroine for your twisted “make kids have kids so we can rape those ones too!” culture.

    Ain’t that the truth 👿

  10. 10 deBeauxOs Friday, April 23, 2010 at 10:29 am

    Would anyone be shocked – shocked, I tell you – to find out that the pedophile stepfather responsible for impregnating this child was given a Hail Mary pass by the Catholic Church patriarchs?

  11. 11 JJ Friday, April 23, 2010 at 10:35 am

    deBeauxOs – 😯 Are you serious??? 😯 But then again, why not? It’s all in a day’s work for those guys. They probably consider it a job well done: another tithing Catholic produced.

  12. 12 Brian Friday, April 23, 2010 at 11:25 am

    I think that’s all we need to know about these people.

    I wish I were surprised…

  13. 13 Reality.Bites Friday, April 23, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    The only REAL sin in the Catholic Church is voluntary sex. Committing rape is completely excusable. It’s being raped that’s the sin, because the rapist is the real victim.

    Sick, twisted fucks. Bastard Pope should be sharing a cell with Roeder.

  14. 14 Luna Friday, April 23, 2010 at 3:11 pm

    Reality.Bites has it just right that they are sick, twisted fucks. I wouldn’t wish rape on anyone though. Just makes another victim and another rapist.

    It’s so infuriating. How can they not see that the little girl’s life is in jeopardy? That making an 11 year old girl birth a baby is just WRONG! I mean, I get it that abortion is a sin, but how can they justify saying that forcing a child to be a mother and completely jeopardizing her mental and physical health isn’t?! It’s a mindfuck of epic proportions.

    All I can say is that it makes it VERY clear that they don’t care about life at all. They ONLY care about controlling women and girls. That they do it under the guise of being pro-life just makes me get very ragey. (Yes, it’s a word. Now.)

  15. 16 Bina Friday, April 23, 2010 at 8:19 pm

    No matter how many times I hear a story like this, I still can’t help feeling like I’m gonna throw up in my mouth. Do you suppose the fact that the child didn’t (and couldn’t) consent to what got her pregnant in the first place might be what’s doing it? And the fact that she didn’t (and couldn’t) consent to remain pregnant, come to that?

  16. 17 JJ Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 7:49 pm

    RB –

    Bastard Pope should be sharing a cell with Roeder.

    To paraphrase Barry Goldwater, every good Catholic should line up and kick the pope’s ass.

  17. 18 JJ Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 7:57 pm


    All I can say is that it makes it VERY clear that they don’t care about life at all. They ONLY care about controlling women and girls.

    The Catholic church is an inherently misogynist, medieval institution. Every time an event like this occurs, and they celebrate forcing a little girl to be the vessel of the almighty fetus, it just becomes more obvious.

  18. 19 JJ Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 8:02 pm

    Bina – The kid was raped by her step-father, he’s even been arrested for it (although not excommunicated from the “church”, interestingly).

    So how better to follow that act than another 9 months of being reminded of it every day and then a lifetime of remembering it all? If she even lasts through 9 months — at her age there’s a huge risk with carrying a pregancy to term.

    At least she’ll know her place, eh?

  19. 20 Brian Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 8:03 pm

    “The only REAL sin in the Catholic Church is voluntary sex.”


Wait. What?

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