Posts Tagged 'field trip'

Rage Against the Lifesite Machine

In a bombshell of Outrageous Outrage exposed by an “incensed” “Ottawa Mom” (or should that be “MOM”?) last week, it was revealed that 52 Catholic school kids from St.Pete’s in Ottawa were heading down to Ohio on a Civics field trip to observe US election procedures. The too-much-time-on-her-hands Ottawa Mom was in a frenzy of fear that the trip might have an ulterior motive: to help the MuslimKenyanFetusBully win re-election.  After all, the Civics Teacher in charge of the mobile shindig, Scott Searle, made it clear on his Facebook page where he stands:

…and most incriminatingly, among Searle’s “Likes”: *GASP* “Obama For America“.  The pinch is in!  SHRIEEEEEEEEK!!

Incensed Ottawa Mom reported this Obamanation to her most trusted “news” source, Lifesite, the Canadian mouthpiece of batshit-insane extremist fetus-obsessed ultraconservative Catholicism.  Lifesite and its readers in turn responded with predictable Jesus-driven spittle-flecked fury.  Lifesite comments condemning the Catholic school board to fry forever in the afterlife convinced the Principal of St.Pete’s to cancel the trip:

Many anonymous commenters accused the board of being “incompetent” or condoning “the anti-Catholic policies of Obama.” Others said the board is “pro-contraception and pro-abortion” and “pays for contraception for their employees … and partners with groups that promote contraception in the developing world.”

One comment, which received 31 “likes” from fellow readers, said “If you support the party that supports abortion YOU BETRAY GOD.”

“I could see that the trip was causing unforeseen anxiety,” said McDonald who, after discussing her decision with Searle, gathered the 52 students on Thursday in the school’s chapel to break the news.

Searle is apparently well-liked by his students, and their response to the Lifesite article that led to the field trip being cancelled was swift and terrible.  Normally a LS article is lucky to glean 3 or 4 comments: the field trip article has over 300 as of this writing, as enraged students descend on Lifesite like hungry harriers on a rat-infested pasture.  They’ve also started a Twitter campaign, #TeamSearle, which is a hell of a lot more active than some zombie timelines I could name.  (#M312, I’m looking at you.)

If nothing else, the student response definitely puts lie to the notion that all those happy shiny young faces the Catholic schools bus in to the annual March for Feti are the next generation of wombcentric leg-humping hyperconservative Catholic punishment freaks.  Woot! Woot!  Go Team Searle!

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