Posts Tagged 'StopLying'

What’s wrong with this picture?

Propaganda from the “Canadian Center for Bioethical Reform” — the fetus-obsessed dingbats who cruise Calgary and beyond in their notorious Fetusmobiles — is typically a deranged orgy of fetus porn and pure steaming bullshit.  But sometimes it’s so unintentionally hilarious that it’s worthy of being published in the Onion.

Following this week’s news of the death-by-fetus-fetishizing of Savita Halappanavar, a CCBR video is making the rounds as antichoicers feverishly try to defend the indefensible.  The video talks about how doctors can avoid doing their jobs abortions even when the pregnant woman’s life is in danger (because really, like, who cares…?).  A few seconds into it, I burst out laughing and took a quick screencap:

Yes, it’s the CCBR’s unhinged Stephanie Gray, an Expert in the Field of Fetus Fetishizing, and — HELLO!!  A stethoscope and lab coat hanging pointedly from a doorknob??  What’s up with THAT?

Presumably Dr. Demento there, with her BA in PoliSci, wants to come across as possessing a credibility she hasn’t even come close to dreaming of earning, and how better to do it than casually hang a lab coat somewhere, as if she’s just taken it off after a long day of Doctorizing?  I’m surprised she didn’t wear scrubs, since they can be picked up at any thrift store for a buck or 2.

What next from these bullshitting bullshitters?  Try to pass off The Fetusmobile©®™

as an ambulance?


UPDATED with bonus re-tweetable irony!

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