It’s a bird!  It’s a plane!  No, it’s the point of the criticism of Gflying-spaghetti-monsterary Goodyear, “Science Minister”, flying over the head of yet another thick-skulled right-wing dingbat.

In a NatPo article yesterday with the non-incendiary title “The liberal war on faith“, no less a wingnut than David Asper whines:

Joseph McCarthy would have approved of the Globe’s methods. Will the newspaper’s reporters now approach candidates for office with the question “Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of a religion that has creationist values?”

If it did, readers would find out that virtually every member of parliament ever elected, including the previous three Liberal prime ministers, adhere to some kind of organized religion with creationist tenets.

Yabbut hello?  “Adher(ing) to a religion with creationist tenets” isn’t the same thing as believing in creationism itself.  Further, most of those who so adhere have no problem differentiating religion and science.  And last but not least, almost all of those people don’t have the title “Science Minister”.

Once more for the road…

Nobody gives a fiddler’s fuck if Goodyear or anyone else believes in the Great Pumpkin or the Flying Spaghetti Monster (peace be upon his noodly appendages).  However, it shouldn’t be too much to ask that our Science Minister, even a Minister of State, understands science to the point where he doesn’t get all confused and discombobulated and starts blabbing and frothing and sweating and speaking in tongues when someone asks him a science question.  And anyone who still doubts that this is important need look no further than this horrifically embarrassing thread at Pharyngula.

BANG!  That’s all, that’s it, there is no more.

2 Responses to “WHOOOOOSH!”

  1. 1 Bruce Friday, March 20, 2009 at 7:29 pm

    The man is even worse than Harper at answering questions off the fly. He didn’t have to answer the question from that Globe reporter as a question of his faith like some poor persecuted Christian. All he had to do was clarify his position on evolution as Minister of Science.


  2. 2 JJ Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 4:10 pm

    All he had to do was say “yes”. Instead he danced around for awhile and then ran away from the question — not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It shouldn’t be that hard. Egads.

Wait. What?

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