They can run

…but they caaaaaaan’t hide!

Hilarious as it is, I’ve never commented on this whole “Obama Birth Certificate” thing because the “birther” wingnuttery is so psychotic it really writes its own comedy routine.  When people become parodies of whacko stereotypes, mockery becomes redundant: it’s like kicking the shit out of an empty cardboard box, possible cardiovascular benefits but vaguely unsatisfying.

But since the GOP revealed that it has the collective IQ of an acorn squash when it caved into its lunatic wing and sponsored a bill that would require future presidents to prove their citizenship, it seemed that the Birfers were actually a force to be reckoned with!  So one would think those behind the Birfer Bill would be happy to talk about it, no?  Haha.  Watch what happens when FDL’s Mike Stark tries to get some of the guys who sponsored this ludicrous bill to talk it up:

Run away! Run away!  I wonder if any of these guys ever ponder the monster they’ve created in their  demented, deranged, teabagging, tinfoil-hatted base, and at what point it became the ball and chain they’re forced to drag around today?

UPDATE — RELATED: Obama’s birth certificate declared genuine — again!

8 Responses to “They can run”

  1. 1 J. A. Baker Monday, July 27, 2009 at 10:04 pm

    Obama’s birth certificate declared genuine — again!

    Sadly, it doesn’t matter how many times or how many ways they verify the birth certificate. It will never be good enough for these demented, mouth-breathing fuckwits.

    As CC frequently says, they are not to be engaged logically, they are only to be mocked mercilessly.

  2. 2 JJ Monday, July 27, 2009 at 10:31 pm

    JAB – These birthers are mockeries of themselves, their weirdness and stupid is so intense!

    I’m really kind of worried about the birth certificate thing — a lot of these people are outright racists, real haters. I worry about these people spiraling.

  3. 3 Mike Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 3:45 am

    Interestingly, Dave Riechert is the former King County Sheriff and detective who hunted and captured the Green River Killer, Gary Leon Ridgeway.

    He also was one of the few who was willing to talk and makes sense.

    Also, all birther’s are insane, just like the dude with the sign.

  4. 4 J. A. Baker Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 5:22 am

    I worry about these people spiraling.

    And you’d be right to worry about one of them trying to play Scott Roeder to Obama’s George Tiller. It’s one of the reasons he had to get Secret Service protection much, much earlier than any other Presidential candidate in history.

  5. 5 JJ Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 10:15 am

    Mike – Birthers really strike me as the kind of guys who, if they weren’t sitting at their computers posting comments at Free Republic, would be out on street corners with signs saying THE END IS NEAR etc. Nutzoid!

  6. 6 JJ Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 10:17 am

    JAB –

    It’s one of the reasons he had to get Secret Service protection much, much earlier than any other Presidential candidate in history.

    There’s something so sick about that.

    I worry about that whole family. I hope the security guys are on high alert.

  7. 7 Bart Vincelette Friday, August 7, 2009 at 9:23 am

    We here in the true north strong and free ; are fortunate not to have to demand a look at the birth certificates of our Prime Ministers. History assures us that most came from Area 51. Oui ??

Wait. What?

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