Judge Bars Oklahoma Slutshaming Law

Awww, too bad, Lila Rose!  Your sick, psychotic dreams of “abortion in the public square” won’t be realized for a while yet.

In Oklahoma, a law that combines a medieval punishment mentality with 21st century technology and authoritarian bullying has momentarily been stopped in its knuckledragging tracks:

While Californians mull whether a fetus is a person, a state judge has temporarily blocked enforcement of a new Oklahoma law that would require doctors to report detailed information about abortion patients, which would then be posted online.

The law, passed by a solid majority of the Oklahoma Legislature, would require physicians to report such information as age, marital status, race, number of children, education level and the mother’s relationship to the father. It would also require the reason for the abortion, the cost and the type of payment used. Names of patients would not be included in information that would be posted online by the state’s health department, but abortion rights advocates say because Oklahoma is such a small state it would not be difficult to identify some patients. Abortion rights advocates say the law would violate the privacy of patients and is an attempt to dissuade women from seeking abortions.

Since the state government ostensibly needed this data for “research purposes”, does this mean the “research project” has been shitcanned?  Nice try, but it’s obvious to anyone with a functional brainstem that the threat of having such private personal details made available to the public — online, no less — is a hamhanded attempt to intimidate and shame women who have abortions.  Intimidation and shaming: the hallmark of the Taliban and its Christofascist imitators.

11 Responses to “Judge Bars Oklahoma Slutshaming Law”

  1. 1 Shade Friday, October 23, 2009 at 8:36 pm

    So how do they purpose we manage the unborn, prebirth certificates?

    Also that is a clear case of invasion of privacy, I don’t see how they don’t get the word choice. It’s not manditory abortion, it’s an option if the woman doesn’t want to have a child for whatever reason.

    Personally I’d never force someone to do something I myself wouldn’t do and I wouldn’t have a child. (Questions about how that would occur aside) So I see the choice as the best option, espiaclly as there’s a lot of permenant effects from pregnancy.

    It’s a good thing it got barred, shame it’s didn’t get abolished altogether, but give it time a couple invasion of privacy suites should fix it.

  2. 2 The Anti-Social Socialist Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 12:47 am

    “So how do they purpose we manage the unborn, prebirth certificates?”

    Maybe everytime a couple has sex, they have to fill out a report and post it to a website.

    And, standing with Catholic tradition, if they don’t have a child in nine months they are put to death. Probably by stoning or maybe some other lovely treatment the Catlicks spent a couple thousand years developing.

    It’s only fair.

  3. 3 psa Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 4:16 am

    When this law comes back I hope they give it some teeth. There’s no reason that it shouldn’t also list the personal information of all Viagra prescription recipients and vasectomy patients. And what research would be complete without every detail short of a name for all elective cosmetic plastic surgeries. Hell, there’s even a security issue there, what with folks changing their physical appearances, is it to make them more sexually appealing (the sluts) or is it for a darker purpose (teh terrors, oh noes!)?

  4. 4 Phatbiker Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 7:59 am

    Just another stupid, ill thought out law who’s only real purpose is to limit access to abortion through the back door. What next, a license to have sex and have to keep a log book (like a trucker’s log book) detailing your sex life and explaining why no pregnancy resulted.
    If abortion ever became illegal in the US I can see scores of “womans health clinics” being built on the Mexican and Canadian borders plus at Europian vacation destinations. The wealthy will ALWAYS have access to abortion, only the poor will suffer with unwanted pregnancys.

  5. 5 Bleatmop Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 3:05 pm

    Phatbiker – You’re right on with your assessment. Rich women have no problem gaining access to abortion. It’s the poor that suffer because of these laws. It’s just another way that rich, old, white republican men can commit class warfare on the citizens of their own country. And these ROWRM will do anything and everything to maintain control over everyone. Everything from blocking health care reform to fascist control over the mind (think creationism being taught in school) and body (ie. they think women don’t have the right to control their own body).

  6. 6 JJ Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 5:10 pm


    Also that is a clear case of invasion of privacy, I don’t see how they don’t get the word choice.

    It’s a huge invasion of privacy. I don’t think there’s any Constitutional right to privacy, but I’m pretty sure the 3rd & 4th Amendments imply such rights.

    This law wouldn’t stand up under a strong judicial breeze (court challenge).

  7. 7 JJ Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 5:18 pm


    And, standing with Catholic tradition, if they don’t have a child in nine months they are put to death.

    That reminds me of something funny from a couple of years ago… a ballot initiative proposal or something like that, in Washington State, that was put forward by supporters of same sex marriage. It was proposed in humour, but actually made sense given the other side’s arguments against SSM.

    It stipulated that couples who hadn’t produced a certain number of offspring in a certain time frame would be stripped of their marriage licenses. If the purpose of marriage is to procreate, and anyone who doesn’t procreate therefore can’t be considered married, then it has to work both ways 😉

  8. 8 JJ Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 5:25 pm


    There’s no reason that it shouldn’t also list the personal information of all Viagra prescription recipients

    I can just imagine the SHRIEKing if that ever came to be — from the guys but also from their Good Christian Wives who they haven’t had sexual congress with in years.

  9. 9 JJ Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 5:28 pm


    What next, a license to have sex and have to keep a log book (like a trucker’s log book) detailing your sex life and explaining why no pregnancy resulted.

    Don’t give them any ideas, they’d love that one 😯 Because in a perfect fundie world, contraception would also be outlawed, so if people weren’t having kids by the boatload, the Ministry of Sexual Congress would want to know WHY.

  10. 10 JJ Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 5:33 pm


    It’s just another way that rich, old, white republican men can commit class warfare on the citizens of their own country.

    It’s their dirty little secret that they always have access to abortion, and always use it if they feel it’s necessary.

    Sarah Palin, who’d force her own daughter to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term, considered aborting — she admitted it in a speech she gave to a bunch of fetus fetishists. (But most of us figured it out as soon as it became public that she’d gotten amniocentesis — a procedure dangerous to the fetus, so why have it if you’re bound & determined to carry to term? There’s only one reason for having amnio, and that’s if your undecided about keeping the pregnancy.)

  11. 11 Cornelius T.Zen Sunday, October 25, 2009 at 8:13 am

    Good morrow, all!
    This is all beginning to sound like “The Handmaiden’s Tale”, a Puritan’s wet-dream of reproductive control.
    Nothing scares these modern-day Roundheads like uppity women…except maybe for uppity fags, uppity dykes, uppity niggers, uppity Latinos, uppity foreigners…
    A life lived in fear is no life at all – CTZen

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