Archive for the 'animals' Category

Finally, a therapy that worked


Take that, Big Pharma.


And?  So?  What up??  Also.

Jabba the Cat

In this corner, weighing in at a dainty and delicate 40 pounds, is the World’s Fattest Cat

…and cat lovers, he’s available:

Living up to his cartoon namesake’s notoriously gargantuan appetite, obese Garfield was brought into North Shore Animal League of America in Long Island, New York, after his owner passed away.

Tipping the scales at 40lb, staff have since put him on a low calorie diet, containing no dry food in the hope Garfield can lose around 2lbs a month.

His name is Garfield.  But I’d call him Jabba.

Mr.Blue reacts

to 4 days of Obama .gif at top of her pet human’s blog:

Arrgh! Moving thing I can't catch!

Still there! 4 day, 28 cat-day, still can't catch!

It torture me! Nough is nough!

It gone? You catch? You leave innards by front door?


Occupy Denver picks a leader:

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock insisted that his city’s occupation name a leader in order “to deal with City and State officials.” And he got his wish! Occupy Denver has elected Shelby, a border collie, as its leader. Long live Shelby!

A fitting leader for a protest against the dog-eat-dog world of corporate sleaze and avarice.  Awwww, Shelby!

Good choice, Border Collies are the smartest dog around, smarter than most humans I know.  (Occupy Vancouver could sure use a border collie-leader right about now.)

The moose is loose

An apple tree, a fermented apple, a hungry moose.

Do the math.

Baby lion cubs learn to swim, blogger felled by flu

I hate doing a single post just to say I’ve been AWOL because I’ve been deathly ill, so to make things a little more entertaining, check out these photos of  8-week-old baby lion cubs learning to swim.  Oh, fer cute:

Gah!  The sweetness!  Squeeee-a-riffic!

We return to regularly-scheduled not-so-sweetness ASAP.


Too cute

For all you animal lovers out there — Dog vs. Deer:


P.S.  With that I should add that blogging will be extremely light for the next little while…

(via Andrew Sullivan)

Attention pet owners

Especially owners of the kind of dog whose tails curl upward, exposing their little bung-holes for all to admire.  There’s a New Product that might be just the thing to give your pet a little privacy… “Rear Gear” Butt Covers!:

No, really:

They’re sold out right now, so this looks to be what the well-dressed pet will be wearing this spring.

(via the slog)

Dogs in slow motion

Catching treats.  Cool ad for Pedigree:

Bathing hedgehogs

With dog supervising:

Kermode spirit bear livecam

This is so cool: a live cam set up in the den of a hibernating Kermode spirit bear (named “Apollo”).  True, Apollo doesn’t do much… mostly just lies there crashed out… but occasionally he moves around, stretches, pokes his head out to see what’s going on, and so on.  And I think it’s just cool to be able to watch him.  Here’s a short video from the BC Spiritbear site:

And here’s where you can watch this crashed-out bear live, during daylight hours Pacific Time.  Right now (5 pm) it’s starting to get dark, so hurry-hurry!


Mr. Blue in her favourite “spot”:

There ya go, kitteh lovers.

Friday funny & cuteness

(Swiped from Ellroon, who also has the must-see LIVE PUPPYCAM!!!)


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