Posts Tagged 'canadian blog awards'

Canadian Blog Awards

The nominations are in and first round voting is underway.

I’d like to endorse my homegrrlz at DammitJanet, who’ve been nominated in several categories including Best Feminist Blog.

Show ’em some love!  (You know you want to.)

Feminist bloggers lawyer up

Oh, the ups and downs of those wild and wooly Canadian Blog Awards.

What once seemed like an insurmountable challenge fraught with trauma and tragedy was accomplished in less than 24 hours by a squeaky little wheel and J.Kleiman, the lawblogger who’s running the CBA show this year.

Look!  Lookee!  Oh, look!!!

You can vote for all the categories at the link.

Many thanks to Fern “Squeakywheel” Hill for getting the ball rolling and J.Kleiman for cutting through the bullshit and doing what had to be done.  (Also thanks to Fern Hill for nominating me, truly an unexpected surprise this year. Thank you for being a friend;))

What happened to the CBAs?

Aren’t the Canadian Blog Awards around Dec.1?  What happened, are they still a happening thing? or what?  Huh?  If there was any excitement, I missed it (not totally surprising).

It says at the link that there’s a *short delay in voting*…?     ???

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