Posts Tagged 'rotten shit-eating scum'

Rush Limbaugh: Human or DNA Experiment?

Who knows?  Whatever his DNA composition might be, around here Rush Limbaugh is Swine of the Week in Perpetuity — meaning that when I pronounce someone SOTW, it’s an unfinished sentence the rest of which is “in addition to Rush Limbaugh”.  And this past week was no different.

The GOP’s message to women as barfed out by its Intellectual & Spiritual Leader and Titular Head this week could not have been clearer: any woman who stands up for self-determination is a Slut.  My own reaction to El Rushbo’s putrid rant was something like this:

A PigMan!  It’s a PigMan!! 

“And he made this horrible sound…”indeed:

“She wants to be paid to have sex,” Limbaugh continued. “She’s having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception.”

But that, incredibly, was not the depth of depravity Limbaugh sunk to that day, or even that quarter-hour.  He went on to demand that Ms. Fluke post sex videos of herself online… “so we can all watch”.

BAM!  The wheels of my little office chair spun angrily as I reeled back and threw up in my mouth a little, my imagination assaulted by grotesque visions of El Puerco and his flaccid, fascist cohorts slobbering over grainy videos and squealing angrily as they yanked at their withered and unresponsive knobs.

The horror, the horror…

Even if it was just for a nanosecond, in my own fevered imagination.

Speaking of Quarter-Hours: once upon a time I worked with the Media, and I’m excruciatingly familiar with the timetable of Arbitron radio surveys.  And guess what:  the last few weeks of the winter survey are upon us.  Could it be that El Piggo’s ratings were swirling in the bowl so badly for the first few weeks that he needed to commit some outrage to jack them up?  Naaahhhh…

No matter.  Reams of pixels and pages have already been devoted to the latest ratings-ratcheting offense from this hideous Science Experiment of a man, so I will leave it to my Intellectual & Spiritual Leader to sum it up:

Rush Limbaugh is a lame professional Swine and he makes a good living at it. He is like a hired Geek in some traveling backwoods carnival — the freaks who bite the heads off Chickens — but Limbaugh is a modernized Geek who thinks he can bite the heads off of people.

I only wish the Good Doctor was still around to comment on the head-biting his “lame professional swine” continues to indulge in to this very day. Mahalo.

UPDATE:  A half-hearted apology was apparently made, but to no avail.  Advertisers continue marching out the door.

Blogging buddy Left Over wonders if this incident might be a kind of tipping point for the (admittedly small) part of Limbaugh’s audience that swims in the deeper end of the gene pool, causing them to recoil in disgust from His Piggishness.  What do you think?  I suspect most will just double down.

Yoohoo, Chris Matthews! A word, please.

I  just watched last night’s Hardball and I am pissed off beyond words.

One segment featured a video that showed teabaggers mocking and throwing money at a man with Parkinsons Disease.  Yes, whenever you’re sure these brain-damaged pukes have reached the bottom of the barrel — like when they shouted down a disabled woman at a town hall last year — lo and behold, they lift the barrel and scrape some more.   But as sickening as it was, what followed the video  was pretty nauseating too.

One of the putrid, brainless subhumans in the video had a sign identifying him as being with Koch whores “Americans for Prosperity”, the fake grassroots organization behind the teabagger rallies, so Matthews interviewed  AFP’s sleazy little mouthpiece Tim Phillips to get his take on the ugly scene.  Grasping at straws for  a way to counter Matthews’ pro-health care reform arguments, Phillips brings up the subject of a certain Canadian woman who he claims sought out Americans For Prosperity to help her because  — sob! — she couldn’t get health care in Canada.

As Tweety would say, let’s watch.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

It’s about 4 minutes in.  The slimy Phillips was clearly not doing well against Matthews’ pro-reform arguments, so he grasped at one final straw and rolled the dice that Matthews wouldn’t recall the Shona Holmes backstory, and how much of it was bullshit.  Not to mention how legions of furious Canadians responded to her lying douchebaggery by tearing her so many new orifices that she was abruptly dropped as AFP’s anti-reform spokesperson. Right, Shona Holmes “sought out” Americans For Prosperity — on her own, no less.  She wasn’t referred to them by Canada’s own version of AFP, the Canadian Constitution Foundation, who found her because they keep a lookout for people like her that they can whore out to their stateside partners in private health insurance gouging.

Tell me another one!

Not that I expect it, but it would be NICE if someone called Phillips on his BULLSHIT next time he’s interviewed on MSNBC, or anywhere.  Bang!  That’s all, folks.

Olbermann — WPITW

Between Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh and the three idiots featured last night on Olbermann’s Worst Person in the World, this has been an ugly week for “conservative” media gasbags.  Etched on the backdrop of Haiti’s horror, their inhumane, egocentric ignorance could be missed by only the most vapid and vacuous among us — ie., Fox News viewers.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

UPDATE: The Doc has more to say about that rotten shit-eating douchebag known as “El-Rushbo”.

And while I’m updating, allow me to draw your attention to the top of my sidebar — if you click on the map of Haiti, there’s a list of ways you can help.  In addition to what’s on the list, you can even donate by text.  Service fees will be waived and don’t forget — the government of Canada is matching our donations!

“Justifiable homicide”

douche12Anti-abortion terrorist Scott Roeder may end up using “justifiable homicide” as a defense for the murder of Dr. George Tiller.

No, really:

The suspect in the killing of abortion provider George Tiller is in talks with a prominent attorney who represents anti-abortion protesters and has long advocated justifiable homicide as a legal defense in such cases.

Scott Roeder, 51, has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and aggravated assault charges in the May 31 shooting death of Tiller in the foyer of his Wichita church. The Kansas City, Mo., man has refused to discuss his case, but he has told The Associated Press that Tiller’s killing was justified to save “the lives of unborn children.”

Roeder is consulting with Michael Hirsh, the lawyer who represented anti-abortion terrorist Paul Hill, who was canonized by anti-choicers for the murder of a doctor and clinic escort in 1994.    Here’s how this shit-eating, fetus fetishizing douchebag responded when it was pointed out to him that an acquittal based on a “justifiable homicide” defense would only endanger the lives of more doctors:

But Hirsh discounted the suggestion that if a jury acquitted Roeder of murder based on such a defense, it would lead to an open season on abortion doctors.

“It has been open season on unborn children for over 30 years. I think on abortionists there will be a bag limit,” Hirsh said in a phone interview this week from his Kennesaw, Ga., office.

“I think on abortionists there will be a bag limit.” That’s how seriously these scumbags take the murder of doctors and clinic staff, regardless of their lame, pearl-clutching “denouncements”.  This is what they want to happen.

FBIDHS?  Are you listening?

Damn good rant

What stageleft said.

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