Search Results for 'stanek'

Why does Jill Stanek hate America?

Giggle giggle teehee, drool gibber snort slobber:

World rejects Obama"_1254679337089

What are we to make of Nurse Stanek and her gang of spittle-flecked, foaming-at-the-mouth fetus humpers rooting against America right along with shitheads like Osama Bin Laden?   Just one more thing they have in common with the Taliban, I guess.

Stanek to General: “Feds involved”

Threat_levelsLast week, forced pregnancy freaks and fetus fetishists complained that following their hit on the death of Dr. George Tiller, they were being targeted by Imaginary Death Threats .   There was a  frenzied reaction at Jill’s In Vitrio Cappuccino Bar and Quik-Lube to one “threat” in particular:

“the least you could do is offer to hold a rifle blessing service in her honor.”

— which of course turned out to be nothing but a fragment of a post at Jesus’ General that anyone with a functioning brainstem could see was not a threat.  One of Stanek’s own readers argued that the quote wasn’t a threat and found himself summarily deleted.  The General himself commented at Stanek’s in response to her silly and scurrilous accusation, and following a sneaky 2-day waiting period (to make sure nobody was watching), his comment was also summarily deleted (see update).

Apparently there’s no penetrating the amniotic sac of delusion and derangement  inhabited by Jill and the gang at Stanek’s Late-Term GasBar & Smoke Shop… she’s sticking to her story that Gen. JC Christian called for her to be summarily  deleted (in her 130th trimester!).31LcLaiHhtL Today Gen. JC Christian reports that despite his best efforts to Reach Out and Find  Common Ground in stopping the Tubesock Holocaust, in an email Stanek scoldingly informed him that the FBI is on the case!   Know fear!  The Fetal Bureau of Investigation always gets their man!

Monday Morning Power Snark Energy Drink: Teh Crazy is really heating up today at  Jill’s Drive-Thru Brainwash & Coin Launderette, where she compares the shooting of the baby in the photo we discussed here to a legal medical procedure.  Shine on, you crazy diamond!

Letters 4 Life: Freeping V.M312

I can hardly stand another Motion 312 post, and you probably feel the same way.  But 17 days away from the final vote and certain demise of the motion, and the subsequent MASS persecutiongasm, there will be more to say on this sordid subject, so bear with me.

One of the antichoice initiatives launched in support of Motion 312 is something called “Letters 4 Life”, which for the last few months has been gamely trying to get 100,000 letters sent to Parliament by the day of the vote. 100,000 is a nice round number, and presumably L4L means to give the impression that 100,000 Canadians are so strongly opposed to abortion rights that they’ve been driven to penning shrieking spittle-flecked screeds to Harper et al.  A few days ago they had 65,000 letters sent – not too bad, assuming they were from 65,000 individuals. But some people just can’t resist snarking off:

That was obviously the incentive they needed because a couple of days later the number of letters went PARABOLIC:

But why not?  Anything’s possible, with the Power of Prayer.

No, I wasn’t buying that either, so I decided to find out if there might be something other than Prayer Power behind the MASSIVE spike in letter-writing.

My first stop was the L4L site’s “letter tracker”.  This is where letter-writing fetus fetishists record how many letters they sent, and apparently they’re being encouraged to send hundreds

…and proving themselves more than up to the task.  To wit, on L4L’s Facebook page there’s a post from someone who thinks 30 letters from one individual isn’t very many:

…so she grabs the crack pipe and suddenly she’s banging them out at top speed:

Yay Nancy, Freeper Extraordinaire!  I wonder how many others are cranking out letters at this rate?  I had been under the impression that “100,000” meant 100,000 individuals sending one(1) letter, but it could just as easily be 200 wired-up Nancies, each churning out a frenzied 5 or 600 letters.

The letter tracker’s question “Do you live in Canada” was also intriguing and more than a little sinister.  I fired up the Googles for some investigative blogging and instantly hit paydirt in the form of an obscure little American website, the Teenage Life Club, flogging their own ‘Stand for Life’ antichoice campaign that advises sending messages to the White House… and Congress… and… the Canadian Government??:

Really, eh?  If some  little high school club is doing this, presumably they’re not the only ones: they had to get the idea from somewhere.  I checked in on Nurse Stanek’s Sweet & Sour Fetus Cafe & Quik-Lube, and sure enough she has an article about the “Stand Up For Life” campaign, with a link to the site.  “Letters 4 Life” is mentioned at Stanek’s without a direct link, but at least some of her substantial and furiously zealous traffic would find its way there from the Teenage Life Club’s site.  I wonder how many other US sites are telling their readers to write letters to the Canadian government?

I sincerely doubt that a small number of people — some of whom aren’t even eligible to vote here — obsessively sending thousands of form letters to Parliament will tell our elected officials anything other than who CSIS should be keeping an eye on.


Nancy x10?

On Gutlessness and Epic Meetings of Pots and Kettles

Apparently the newest nugget of antichoice wingnut wisdom is that prochoice bloggers are — wait for it — “gutless cowards” because some of us use pseudonyms.

Before you start yelling “Amanda Marcotte! Jessica Valenti! Jill Filipovic!” or point out that plenty of antichoice bloggers do the same, or protest that there’s a king-hell shitload of good reasons for not using your real name online that have nothing to do with the sick obsessiveness and twitchy trigger fingers of the antichoice lunatic fringe, let’s ask ourselves what this woebegone little whine might really be about. Because it can’t really be about anonymity/pseudonyms, since these practices cut across both sides of the abortion rights blogosphere.

From where I sit it looks more like one or two particular pseudonymous prochoice bloggers somehow annoyed some antichoice bloggers who “blog naked” so to speak. And this was the best they could do: a peevish gripe about prochoice bloggers blogging “anonymously”.

But why not?  Baiting a hook and reeling in some predictably goofy comments about “gutlessness” and “hiding behind pseudonyms” to “spew libelous smears”… that kind of post puts a little Fun into a boring mid-week afternoon.  And after all, no matter what the bible-banging doomer goons tell you, Fun is what it’s all about.

Unfortunately, over at BIG BLUE WAVE (copy-paste for obvious reasons:, SUZANNE spiraled into paroxysms of stupid rage and beclowned herself with this brainless commentary:

Oh, SUZANNE.  “Libel”?  You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

It only got worse in the comments, when a few people with their heads screwed on explained that there are a lot of good reasons for blogging pseudonymously. When I saw real-world stories of threats, harassment and stalking brushed off as “cowardly” and “BOGUS”, along with accusations of “Libelous Smears”, I could stand it no longer.  I left a comment, and that was where the Pot and Kettle didn’t just meet but careened into each other at top speed and burst into flames in an epic head-on collision.  My comment, not surprisingly, was

…not published.

 And just because I had the nerve to ask for examples of the “Libelous Smears” and the steel-belted, gold-plated brass BALLS to suggest that said smears might exist only in SUZANNE’s frenzied imagination.  Oh well…

Anyone who makes false accusations of “gutlessness” and especially “libel” should be prepared to back them up.  Making an accusation and then deleting comments that call you on it takes gutlessness to a whole new level.

But so what? Her house, her rules.  She’s a Propagandist and that’s how Propaganda is done. But let the record stand that SUZANNE’s brainless blather about “Libelous Smears” is manufactured from whole rotten maggot-infested cloth, with nothing to back it up but the summer breeze.

And after all, they all do it: longtime readers might recall when false accusations were made against The General at Stanek’s Psych Ward & Fetus Fetishizing Cafe, and when he called her on it in her comments section, she responded by deleting his comment.  These people are nothing if not predictable.

That discordant cacophony you hear in the distance

…is the sound of the gears in Nurse Stanek’s brain grinding themselves toothless as she feverishly tries to make a connection between this:

A British citizen in Bangkok has been arrested after Thai police found six roasted human foetuses packed in his luggage.

Chow Hok Kuen, who is 28 and of Taiwanese origin, was held by police after the grisly discovery was made in Bangkok’s Chinatown district yesterday.

… and Planned Parenthood.  Or Obama.  Or in a perfect Sweet & Sour Fetus Soup world, both.

Trust me, it’s only a matter of time.  Who could forget this little number from Stanek’s House of Zygote Zealotry, Fetus Fetishizing & Genteel Racism:

(h/t – The General on Twitter)

I wonder

…how many of the same people who went into paroxysms of frenzied outrage and wanked themselves stupid over the sight of Janet Jackson’s nip during the Superbowl half-time a few years ago would be perfectly okay with something like this?:

For only three hours a year do Americans actually look forward to watching commercials rather than ignoring them, muting them or running to the bathroom during them, as we do the other 8,763 hours.

That is during the Super Bowl.

In fact, commercials have become part of the entertainment during football’s annual big game, a cultural phenomenon.

So imagine a 30-second Super Bowl ad showing the graphic reality of abortion.

Fetus pron during the Superbowl — just to make those Superbowl snacks a little more appetizing, eh?  Predictably, Nurse Stanek is pretty gung-ho about the idea:

Most Americans, including many pro-lifers, would abhor such an ad.  But pro-life activists like me would be ecstatic, if such a word can be used to describe fulfillment of a passion to see a multitude of people face the truth about abortion….

Such a word can indeed be used, but there are many many more accurate words  at our disposal to describe such mania:  “psychotic” springs instantly to mind.

The plan was hatched by the ubiquitous Randall Terry, whose foetishizing derangement extends beyond all known parameters on the sanity scale.  All he needs is a cool $2.5 to 3 million and, oh yeah, the blessing of whatever network is running the Superbowl…


Paypal is humour-challenged

Anyone who’s been reading UOH for any length of time will know that I’m a big fan of the wickedly funny wingnut satire served up at Jesus’ General.  And anyone who’s smart enough to tie their freaking shoes will also recognize that what the General does is satire.

But not Paypal.

Recently Paypal demanded that the General remove Paypal links at his site because it is in violation of their terms with regard to the promotion of hate, etc.:

…However, after a recent review of your account, it has been determined that you are currently in violation of PayPal’s Acceptable Use Policy. Under the Acceptable Use Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive payments for items that promote hate, violence, racial intolerance or the financial exploitation of a crime.

As the General points out, Paypal buttons still proudly adorn the sites of  some of the shriekiest right-wing hatemongers on the planet — people who you might hope are parodies, but unlike the General, they’re not.  Come to think of it, up here in the Great White North some of our shriekiest, most drooling and brain-damaged right-wing hatemongers practically live off their Paypal buttons.   Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but what’s up with the double standard?  Has Paypal been commandeered by teabaggers??

I understand how the Paypal folks might be humour-challenged — sadly, some people suffer from humour deficiency, and the General is no stranger to them.  Indeed, the source of this problem is likely someone who doesn’t appreciate good satire (especially when they are the subject of it).  But accusing a satire site that promotes tolerance of promoting intolerance while letting vicious hate mongers slide is crossing the line from humour-challenged to self-humiliating.

Are Canadians more conservative?

This little item caught my eye on Friday and interested me primarily because some of the usual suspects interpreted it as a sign that reproductive liberty is about to take a hit.

According to a recent poll released by the conservative “Manning Centre” (just for fun, let’s imagine it was commissioned by some totally apolitical institution, and for even more fun, let’s imagine we’ve seen the questions and crosstabs and we’re happy), more Canadians who identify as “politically centrist” are down with conservative ideals:

A survey by Allan Gregg of Harris-Decima and Carleton University’s Professor André Turcotte concludes that while a majority of Canadians identify with the “centre” position on the political ideology scale, this centre is increasingly embracing “traditionally conservative values.”

So here we are, a mass of centrists leaning ever so slightly rightward:

Canada has always been politically-centrist, gently swinging left or right depending on the issue and the era; and apparently we are currently in a right-leaning era.   As much as I hate to blame (or credit, depending how you look at it) the baby boom, aging boomers probably have something to do with it.  A massive population of people who were railing against materialism and filthy lucre 40 years ago are now retiring to enjoy viciously capitalist hobbies like day trading.  W00T!  Freedom 55!

But that doesn’t cut to the nut of the responses that have socons wetting themselves, the ones about abortion and marriage.  Apparently 75% of centrists believe abortion is “morally” wrong, and 80% think heteros own the institution of marriage.  The marriage response is definitely an “old person” thing — that train has long since left the station and the young, to their everlasting credit, do not feel that way:

The abortion response just shows that believing something is “wrong” doesn’t necessarily mean actively opposing it.  Looky here:  only 31% of Canadians and 21% of centrists felt that government should play a major role in “regulating morality” (regulating morality?  Good grief.):

Veddy intuddesting.  It seems to be that same 31%, decade in and decade out, that want to bring the government back into our bedrooms.   But if they’re thinking they can count on centrists for support in this endeavour, they better think again.

This poll reminds me of a Gallup poll that was done last year in the US, a far more socially conservative country than Canada.  The poll revealed that a narrow majority of Americans — 51% — self-identified as “pro-life”.   It was celebrated at dives like Nurse Stanek’s Fetopia and Placentaburger Drive-Thru;  what wasn’t discussed was the other poll taken around the same time that showed 68% of Americans do not support overturning Roe v. Wade.   So close and yet so far…

What’s it all mean, fer Jebus’ sake!??  Just that not all of those who consider themselves “pro-life”, or who think abortion is “wrong”, are in favour of pushing their personal views on others using the coercive power of the state:

But it also found only 21 per cent of self-identified political centrists wanted to see government play a “major role” regulating individual behaviour and morality, suggesting Canadians have a strong libertarian streak on social issues.

And when push comes to shove, that’s all that matters.

Nelson 60th vote for US Health Care bill

This is quite the reversal from just a couple of days ago, when Nelson said that even if he gets all the anti-abortion language he wants in the bill, he still wouldn’t vote for the bill because of cost concerns (which could have been alleviated by the public option he voted against, but never mind that).   You have to wonder what kind of payola changed his mind on this:

Senator Ben Nelson’s announcement moments ago that he will vote to end debate on the Senate health care bill puts Dems within striking distance of the first major progressive legislative achievement of the 21st Century, even if the legislation is deeply flawed.

But Nelson also issued a stern threat, designed to put House liberals on notice: If you change the bill in conference, I reserve the right to sink it later. Translation: Don’t even think about trying to add a public option or Medicare buy-in, and don’t even think about putting your grubby hands on my abortion compromise.  [..]

Nelson just now announced that he would support the bill, after having reached a deal on abortion with the following details:

(1) ensure that no public funds will be used for abortion;

(2) mandate that every state provide an insurance plan option that does not cover abortion; and

(3) gives each state the right to pass a law barring insurance coverage for abortion within state borders.

In short, the Senate bill would give individual states the right to ban abortion coverage within their own insurance exchanges (why do fetus fetishists hate the free market?).  Compared to the draconian Stupak Amendment which seeks to mandate the same thing nationally, this is an improvement.

And how do I know it’s an improvement?  Because the fetus fetishists are furiously foaming at the mouth and calling Nelson a “sellout” who is throwing feti under the bus.  It would appear that their evil plot against womens’ reproductive freedom has been *somewhat* thwarted.  (This is still bad, but it’s less bad.)

UPDATE: SHRIEEEK!   NO!!  All ur uterus are belong to Stupak!

He’s here! He’s here!

Right here!  Here’s a picture!  Come and get him!!!

Late-term abortionist on hand to cheer Pelosi's healthcare bill_1256851340566

Pantingly posting as “breaking!!” the news that Dr. Carhart was at the press conference, along with  a picture (likely taken without his permission), seems to be sending a message of some kind.  I won’t speculate on what that might be, but I think it’s worth noting that Dr. Tiller was relentlessly stalked the same way.

As a sidebar, the sleazy freak who creeped up on Dr. Carhart and took his picture is Wendy Wright of “Concerned Women of America”.  Wright, a pig-ignorant Christofascist who’s dumber than a bag of brain-dead hammers, was interviewed by Richard Dawkins earlier this year. The resulting video is enough to make you want to shotgun a 26er of Everclear:



But remember: the fact that they’re intellectually-bankrupt scientific illiterates doesn’t make them any less dangerous.

Sin and depravity: double-header of decadence in Denver

Last weekend at the Westin Hotel in Denver Colorado, the National Abortion Federation held a memorial honouring Dr. George Tiller, who you’ll recall was murdered in his church by a crazed anti-abortion terrorist.  Mrs. Jeanne Tiller was presented with a posthumous award by the 200 abortion providers in attendance.  (“Ewww,” squealed Nurse Stanek, sounding a lot like Randall Terry, “their hands!”   Yes yes, hands drenched in blood, mass murderer, we know the drill.)

As if to demonstrate the kind of demonization that inspired the murder of the  honouree, shrieking brain-damaged godbags from “American Right to Life” converged on the event and greeted the attendees, including the grieving widow, with fetus porn and feverish, spittle-flecked sermons:fetus-fetishists

fetus-fetishists2Stay KKKlassy, fetus fetishists!

The outrageous outrage boiled over when they discovered a simultaneous event at the hotel, sponsored by the Matthew Shepard Foundation: abortion and homosexuality,  the Exactor of Iniquity.  ARTL swooningly describes the “Vortex of Evil”:

Carloads of abortionists arrived just as flamboyant homosexuals emerged from their vehicles. Alongside foul-mouthed prancing drag queens, the abortionists filed into a lobby that smelled sickeningly sweet from overly-perfumed men. Pro-lifers reminded them all that they should turn to Jesus Christ in repentance and for salvation, otherwise, “the real global warming is coming, the lake of fire.” A heartfelt message of repentance and salvation was preached to all.

Yeah, I just bet — the same kind of “heartfelt message” that resulted in the deaths of both Tiller and Shepard.

Then again, American Right to Life aren’t your ordinary everyday fetus fetishizers.  ARTL is so extreme that they’ve been disowned by National Right to Life, which as you can see, is fairly extreme itself.  ARTL is so extreme that they consider Focus on the Family to be wimps and frauds who aren’t sufficiently anti-abortion.  In other words, they’re about one step up the scum-ridden ladder of anti-choice extremism from the Army of God, who openly advocate the murder of abortion providers.  ARTL hasn’t crossed that Rubicon (yet) but apparently they realize their followers might, as they’ve devised an ingenious online “Vigilantism Worksheet” to help them figure out when it’s justifiable to deliver their heartful message with a high-powered rifle.

Bill Ayers awarded Nobel Peace Price

obama-nobelErr, I mean, Barack Obama.  (But what’s the difference, right?)

U.S. President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for offering the world hope and striving for nuclear disarmament in a surprise award that drew both warm praise and sharp criticism.

The bestowal of one of the world’s top accolades on a president less than nine months in office, who has yet to score a major foreign policy success, was greeted with gasps of astonishment from journalists at the announcement in Oslo.

“Gasps of astonishment”:  which is nothing compared to the chorus of exploding heads that must be resounding throughout the Wingnutosphere right about now… but that’s another story.

My opinion?  A little premature, although depending on how things go, I could see Obama being a righteous recipient of the prize in a year or two.  But if the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded for good intentions and taking the first baby steps towards healing the devastation wreaked on America’s standing in the world over the last 8 years, this is probably about right.

Besides, I can’t resist the blogging hay to be made out of wingnut commentary like this:

"Nobel Peace Prize should be turned down by Barack Obama and given ... to the Tea Party goers and the 9-12 Project" | Media Matters for America_1255104149946

UPDATE: Stay classy, Rush.

UPDATE II: Nurse Stanek’s been into the thorazine:


UPDATE III: Pres.Obama’s response:

Appearing in the Rose Garden, Mr. Obama said he was ‘’surprised and deeply humbled” by the committee’s decision, and quickly put to rest any speculation that he might not accept the honor. Describing the award as an “affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations,” he said he would accept it as “a call to action.”

“To be honest,” the president said “I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who have been honored by this prize, men and women who’ve inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.”

The tweet that launched a thousand shit-fits

Oh the horror, the horror:

I'm in a board meeting. Ha ..._1254450386085

Penelope Trunk runs a business called The Brazen Careerist, which is described as “a social network to help young people manage their careers”.  This one little tweet, intentionally or not, probably generated more awareness of it than 52 weeks of 1/4-page ads in the New York Times, but never mind that.

Oh-so-predictably, response to Trunk’s horrific tweet was swift and terrible.  As with anything related to female reproductive activity, the news quickly made its way  to the fetosphere where it was held out as proof  positive that pro-choicers are cold-hearted, emotionally unstable bitches who have abortions like morning mocha lattes.  Melinda Henneberger of Politics Daily, who was more concerned with Trunk’s openness about something she should properly be hiding in the dark and flogging herself over, harrumphed:

I’ve written a lot about my conservative abortion views; nonetheless, I do not think Trunk’s wahoo, drive-through view of abortion is typical. Most normal women take these and other serious decisions seriously. No, it’s her ‘tude toward disclosure that I see as a sign of the times.

That’s the general flavour:  people were disturbed that Trunk tweeted about something so personal.  But so what?  If she wants to, who are we to say she can’t?  It’s her choice, and if it’s too much information, her readers also have a choice.

But the outrage grew and soon Ms.Trunk was on CNN giving an admirably  upfront, no-bullshit interview (video here).  Flummoxing a tut-tutting Rick Sanchez, Trunk rightly emphasized that the real outrage was the obstacle course she had to navigate to get an abortion in her state.

Sanchez’s “Have you no shame” attitude and the Politics Daily article raise something else that irritates me, something characterized by this patronizing horseshit from Henneberg: “Most normal women take these and other serious decisions seriously”.  Like the only way to legitimize our private decisions is to beat ourselves up over them.  “As if”, as they say.

Hopefully an elegant little PR move  (if that’s what it was) like the “miscarriage tweet” will remind women that we aren’t obligated to genuflect before the Fetus Gods, cower and self-flagellate in order to validate our reproductive decisions to the world.  And if we feel like sharing, good on us.

Adopt a Liberal

Stand back!  There’s a new initiative in the Liberty Counsel’s ongoing battle against the Forces of Satan — “Adopt A Liberal“.  Liberty Counsel Adopt a Liberal Home Page_1254074611322

The LC website explains “How it Works” and then goes on to suggest a few potential adoptees who are in need of prayerifying, including an odious and shadowy figure that looms menacingly over all god-fearing, commie-loathing, universal health care-hating footsoldiers in the War Against Good & Evil… “the Unknown Liberal”:

Liberty Counsel Adopt a Liberal Home Page_1254076425939

If this little routine sounds familiar, it should:  it’s just another form of the Full-Scale 30-Day Prayer Assault we fought off 2 years ago… but this time it’s more insidious.  At least the denizens of Stanek’s Fetusburger Bistro & Grill didn’t adopt us.

Helmets on, troops, and watch for incoming.  We are all “the Unknown Liberal”.

Operation Rescue humiliated at Carhart Clinic

The fetus fetishists have a new target, and they’re wasting no time in getting a bead on it.

The target:  Dr. LeRoy Carhart of Nebraska.  The mission:  to keep him from opening a clinic in Kansas to replace Dr. Tiller’s, and ultimately, shut him down completely (read into that what you will).  Since their escalating campaign of harassment against Dr. Tiller worked out so well, they planned to use the same Winning Formula against Dr. Carhart.

First, nuisance legal harassment, just like they inflicted on Dr. Tiller.  Then, to get the up-close-and-personal-harassment-and-intimidation aspect of things off to a good start, they planned to converge on Dr. Carhart’s clinic this weekend for a MASS(ive?) protest:

Pro-lifers announce mass protest at Carhart's clinic (

Mass! Protest! It was all going according to the Operation Rescum Anti-Abortion Terrorism Handbook… until pro-choicers decided they were crashing the party.

The denizens of Nurse Stanek’s “All Ur Uterus R Belong 2 Us” Embryo Emporium were giggling brainlessly and jabbering like gerbils on crack at the prospect of the two sides clashing and the rollicking rumble that would ensue (minus the violence, which they strongly denounce):

Carhart's mill is da place to be this weekend_1251594126753

Ready to rumble?   The 200 supporters who showed up to defend the clinic from the spittle-flecked onslaught were ready to rumble times ten.  The MASS of 60-odd (and I do mean “odd”) anti-choicers who showed up with their fetus porn and  ovary-rosaries and “Keep it closed” signs were met by signs that barked “This clinic stays OPEN, motherfuckers!” (or words to that effect).  The end result:  fetus fetishists were not only outnumbered, but outsmarted and outplayed.  They were successfully held at bay, and forced to slink off whimpering and whining and licking their nuts.

So the “Mass” protest ended up a Massive FAIL for the fetus fetishists.  But there were revealing moments, some of which were tweeted:

Troy Newman ..._1251603615225We hear ya, TroyBoy.  Loud. And. Clear.

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